Export ready: Market size and exporting study

Export ready: Market size and exporting study

With the Office for Budget Responsibility (OBR) predicting that Brexit will depress British exports, the UK government has impressed upon businesses the need to be more proactive in their approach to exporting. If British business is to sell products and services in new countries, it will lean heavily on the marketing profession.

The industry is already a major contributor to the UK economy in terms of both jobs and revenues. Marketers exist to open up markets, at home and abroad, reach customers and ultimately sell products and services. But exporting to new markets in unfamiliar countries is a considerable challenge. Every country has its own marketing culture and idiosyncrasies that will determine the success of a marketing strategy.

CIM and PwC Research have collaborated to define, not merely the size and impact of the UK marketing industry in terms of jobs and revenues, but also to understand the challenges and opportunities inherent in export markets, and how marketing can drive international sales.

Our report details how the marketing profession feels about this task and whether British businesses are Export Ready. Access the full report below, or if you're thinking about how to get your organisation exporting, visit our dedicated Export Ready knowledge hub for the latest articles, advice and guidance.

Export ready: Market size and exporting study

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