Episode 86: Using LinkedIn to unlock the creative potential of B2B

- 23 November 2023
Secrets from one of the world’s biggest social media brands
This podcast will:
- Show why humanising your message is the key to great B2B marketing
- Reveal the role of AI in unshackling marketers’ creativity
- Demonstrate why financial fluency is the trigger for campaign success
Sophie Peterson 00:03
Welcome to the CIM Marketing Podcast. The contents and views expressed by individuals in the CIM Marketing Podcast are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of the companies they work for. We hope you enjoy the episode.
Ben Walker 00:17
Hello everybody and welcome to this CIM Marketing Podcast. And today we have got whether as a major brand, one of the giants of social media LinkedIn, which is of course, the big platform for business people to converse and discuss and debate and share ideas. And from LinkedIn, we have Tunji Akintokun who is senior director, head of enterprise solutions, UK and Ireland at LinkedIn. We are delighted to have you on the show. Tunji How are you?
Tunji Akintokun 00:46
Great Ben, and great to be here and thank you for having me. Yes, it's quite a sunny and rainy day here in London as always, but all good.
Ben Walker 00:54
I'm always happy when this time of year when the sun shines at all. I know those three days, those three days we had early in the week we had blissful sunshine also in North London just gave us a lift after a fortnight I think it was was a bit of grey skies. But we will brighten our audience's day with some great insights. I think from the world of LinkedIn, we're looking for specifically, I think it B2B, the B2B side, which is the and the untapped creative opportunities within B2B Probably worth saying that some of the fastest growing companies globally, are in B2B products. And on LinkedIn, there is a huge untapped opportunity one would think that B2B marketers can jump on. I mean, before we get there, it's probably worth a little bit of a rewind is LinkedIn is a bit of a phenomenon, isn't it? You know, it is a become a great platform. It's for business people, for B2B brands. I sketched in the show notes before I came on this afternoon, brackets industry standard, it really is the industry standard, isn't it for business to business people talking to each other and discussing ideas.
Tunji Akintokun 02:02
Absolutely and I think, as you've probably quite rightly said, we're a global professional community. And we're just coming up to and surpassing our 1 billion number of members on our platform. And if you think about that, that represents probably over a third of the global working population, that gives us some very unique insights in terms of talent in terms of marketing brands, and also around learning skills, first narrative that we're really focused on. Now as we look at how jobs are really changing. If I bring it down to the UK, specifically, we've got around 38 million members on the platform in the UK. And again, if you think about the UK population represents pretty much everyone on, you know, of working capability that's on our platform. And I think that's a phenomenal things.
Ben Walker 02:56
38 million people in the UK, or on LinkedIn, which is pretty much everybody who is a professional age working age, if you like, and 1/3 of the global working population is on LinkedIn as well, which is an extraordinary number. So the reach of this platform is absolutely extraordinary.
Tunji Akintokun 03:15
It is it's phenomenal. And and we continue to grow. And I think you know, if you think about it, then every minute six people are hired on our platform. And we've got a reach that spans about 67 million companies who have a LinkedIn page, a company LinkedIn page. So you know, we're still continuing to see, you know, momentum growing, where we're seeing a lot of shared subscriptions going up as around our newsletters, we're seeing that 450 million newsletter subscriptions globally, that's tapped three times year over year. And I think that gives, you know, brands and organisations a unique opportunity to reach out. Certainly B2B brands to be able to really make their their brands more significant in the marketplace, and probably more importantly, get to the right audiences, because I think that's probably the most important thing for most marketers on this on this podcast that wants to know, how do you get to the right targeted audience that wants your products or services quickly and efficiently and effectively?
Ben Walker 04:19
It's about connections, isn't it? But it's not about untargeted connection? You know, it's about trying to use it as a tool to, as you say, reach the right audience as the right people to partner with in business to buy to buy or sell from what are in that space them in that regard. What are the key trends you're noticing with, you know, in the B2B sector, how brands are connecting and targeting each other using the platform?
Tunji Akintokun 04:45
Well, I guess one of the big areas we're seeing Ben is around how B2B brands are invested in in building creative campaigns with more emotional storytelling to humanise the brand so I think that's something that's very important, you know, over the past year, we've seen some engaging some very clever and more creative ways of delivering their campaigns on our platform. We've done some research recently, and I think we saw 64% of b2b CMOS say that brand building has been elevated in importance by the C suite as companies look to win more share in the current climate. So as you know, it's a contracted market at the moment. So it's really important that you've got memorable brands, ones that are telling really human stories, and I think that's what we're seeing is key trends. And, and probably more importantly, they're much more creative. I think we've taken a leaf out of a lot of the what would be seen as more traditional b2c types of branding. And we're seeing that sort of translate into some very creative ways of b2b brands making themselves more relevant to clients, but the humanising of the brands is a bit, that's really important. And I think people want people to connect with those brands. And we're seeing, they're actually a lot more memorable as a result. So that's one of the key areas.
Ben Walker 06:01
That's a really, really interesting that point because, you know, I think probably the natural inclination, the natural, perhaps the natural stereotype is the B2C is about humanization. B to C is about sort of creating emotional connections. And b2b is about sort of hard nosed business deals that you know, to business putting together what you scratch my back, I'll scratch yours, what am I going to get out of it? What are you going to get out of it, but you're suggesting that's not surely the deed is perhaps an outdated view of actually creating an emotional connection between businesses through brand building, and storytelling is a strong way forward.
Tunji Akintokun 06:41
It's a very strong point. And, you know, that's also interleaved with the fact that, you know, we're seeing more b2b brands using video, humour. And probably more importantly, they're using their executives to to really build that authenticity around what they're conveying in terms of their messaging. I think that's quite important. Because if you want brands that are relatable in the b2b space, it's becoming increasingly more important that not just the company speaking about what they do, but they want to see the people behind that. And when executives talk about their organisation or around their brand, we know through our own research and metrics, that the engagement levels are considerably higher for that brand through those, you know, through those executives, also talking and amplifying that. So I always say to marketers, it's important to have your brand promise or whatever it is that you're wanting to convey to your organisation. But people believe more than when the CEO or the C suite also engaged in that messaging in that brand and get behind it and bring that to life. And that goes back to against that humanising it and ensuring that there's a relatable person that's actually bought into that. And we're seeing more and more of that,
Ben Walker 07:52
How easy do you think it is for marketers to make that case to the C suite? You know, as I say, the sort of stereotype that I put forward earlier, as b2c is about emotion b2b is about how our business deals. That stereotype I think, probably still has some legs in some quarters. But we know from your day to, from your experiences, where you can see works that actually making that humanization actually works. There's a strong Gambit in b2b as well. How easy do you think it is for marketers to make that case, to the C suite? And what how do you make that case to the C suite?
Tunji Akintokun 08:28
I think it's becoming easier. And I think with most marketers, one of the significant challenges they face is being able to really show that brand is delivering value, the return on investment that's expected. And what we have seen a shift over, certainly over the last year or so. And again, research has shown us that through our own research survey, and CMOS is that they're becoming much more conversant in talking in the language of the chief financial officer who often will hold the purse strings to where spend is delivered or given to so what you're finding a lot of CMOs are becoming much more financially savvy, to be able to talk the language of a CFO be able to convey messages of how that that values have been delivered, and also the return on investment. So that's one area that we're seeing a real shift in being able to demonstrate that and what we find is that in most organisations, if you can demonstrate value and a return on investment, then you're more likely then to get more investment to continue doing that. And I think the other area is around three R's, risk, reputation and revenue. And I think those three things are linked together and and what we see with marketing, it's able to mitigate risk. It is able to look at the reputation of an organisation around whatever their brand promises, but also importantly then it does derive more revenue ultimately because if you're protecting your reputation, your protection your risk, you become a more relatable brand people buy into and trust, then that does convey into them, organisations then wanting to engage more with those other companies. And that ultimately delivers more revenue, because people tend to buy from people and they buy from brands that they trust.
Ben Walker 10:14
The first step really is to try to, you know, talk the language is interesting phrases and talk the language of the CFO, you don't talk less like a marketer would talk to another marketer, but talk more like a finance person would talk to another finance person and say, you know, what's the hard return on this? Why is this emotional brand building? This humanisation going to give us a return on investment? How is it gonna give her as return on? What will that ROI be talking that sort of language, and that's half the battle to actually making the case of this stuff, which you know, which Tunji Akintokun tells us works?
Tunji Akintokun 10:49
It does. Absolutely. And I, I've always found that in any profession, and I'm in I've had a few in terms of different verticals I've worked in and different types of organisation. And I've certainly been spent a good part of my career in technology. I think one of the reasons why I was probably successful is that and I sold a lot of technology was that, because I was able to convey the benefits of that technology to either the CTO at the time, or it would be if it was to the CMO, you're able to talk in their language around what they were looking for. And I think this the same with marketeers, it's something that often, you know, people in other parts of selling products and services have to do. But more and more now, it's a skill set that marketers have to have in being able to talk internally to their stakeholders, you know, whether it is the CFO, which is what we're seeing the trends for. But even if it's other stakeholders in the C suite, how do you ensure that they're seeing, especially around one of the narratives that we do see, and we talk about a lot within LinkedIn is around the sales and marketing alignment. And again, it's been able to see the marketing is delivering value to the sales organisation that translates to funnel, whether that's, you know, top funnel activity around brand activity, or whether it's lower funnel activity around lead or demand generation. And I think, again, when you see CMOS that are able to convey that to sales leaders, then that makes for a much more aligned business and more support and more investment coming in, because they can see the, you know, the value of that.
Ben Walker 12:21
We now have the year of the guys who were paying for the CFO, we get our campaign, what do we need to do with that campaign? What are the great examples, you've seen Tunji of creative b2b campaigns?
Tunji Akintokun 12:36
I'd say what then over the last year, I've seen some great ones, and I'm gonna probably highlight a couple, actually, I'm going to highlight two, and indulge myself in that these are two that I've been personally involved in, which I think are very good examples. So the first one, which I think is a really great example is from the professional services company PWC. And they launched an awareness campaign earlier this year to promote their global digital series, which is human led tech powered. And they decided to form a partnership with us to distribute that content. And the way in which this was done is through a series of different formats, which were very high end production, I think there were five or six videos in the series, and they took a different element of tech. And then and also how that applied in terms of how it benefits society. I did one of the episodes, which was around skills and how, you know, the skills narrative was changing, we use the skills first narrative here at LinkedIn, because we do believe that skills are the most important thing that you need right now in your role, not just for presently, but also in the future. So we covered around the fact that your job and your role is changing, even if you're not changing jobs, because we're seeing that change. And especially as we see the, you know, the advent of AI and machine learning and lots of other tools. So that was a really great example of how they conveyed a fairly complex set of narratives into a really very well produced platform of different series is to take them in bite sized chunks, and be able to deliver those on our platform to their users.
Tunji Akintokun 14:11
The second one, which I do like, which is more recently is one that we've done with the department for business and trade. Oh, yeah. And I'm quite proud of this one because it's the first ever doc containment video series on LinkedIn and probably a word that a marketeer word there but it is it's effectively really good quality TV content in a docu series, and it's called Big in America. It's a five part series, which takes a number of small businesses and it uses the T TV personality Alex Polizzi who essentially looks at how the DBT can encourage SMBs to export more. So they kind of follow the story in this documentary way of these five businesses that go around the US to try and then launch their brand and expand their business over in the US. And it documents, the highs, the lows, the challenges, but also the success from that. And that was launched on our platform. And in fact, we did the official launch here at our LinkedIn offices earlier this year with Lord offered, who's the export minister, for the government. And, you know, we serve, you know, fantastic example of helping businesses, in this case, small to medium sized businesses. But also, it's a platform that can be replicated. So you know, you could do big in America today could be big in Asia tomorrow. But I think the whole way is done and delivered over our platform because it reaches those SMBs that are on our platform, looking at that thinking, well, the government supporting small businesses in other countries and helping with export, how can we get involved with this. And that's exactly what the DBT are looking to do. So there are two really good examples in different ways of how we're using content but using it to reach specific targeted audiences, in terms of decision makers and entrepreneurs who would really find this engaging in something that wants to get involved in,
Ben Walker 16:08
presumably through humour, making connection with people who by recognising the challenges of you know, going in exporting your product or service to another territory. And it's creating that connection is lots of things. And while that lasts, the government speaking to me, it understands the challenges I'm having getting my product out there, my service out there is illustrating that process through a bit of humour, but also showing that it's on the size of those businesses that are trying to, you know, spread the word of British business elsewhere.
Tunji Akintokun 16:37
Yes but ironically, it's quite timely. We were sharing internally, our customer, the DBT, actually did a really nice video for us to really show the value and the benefit they're getting from that
Ben Walker 16:48
fascinating insights. I mean, you can see why these things now you get a real picture of why these campaigns can work between businesses, these creative emotional humanised campaigns can work between businesses, but nevertheless, there must be differences in the way one should approach them as a marketer, compared to when one is, you know, marketing. On the b2c side, what are those key differences do you think?
Tunji Akintokun 17:16
you're right there Ben the new arson, some key differences with b2b, the buying decisions are relatively heavy, you know, they're more group based, whereas with a consumer, it's very much more than one person can make that decision. And also, the sales cycles are a lot longer and actually more complex, you know, there's a huge difference between selling a cloud solution into an organisation versus selling some hairspray or toothpaste. And the reason for that is because if you're selling these complex solutions, they're much more disruptive, they've got much more of an impact on a company when you make a change if you implement a new cloud based solution, rather than buying a point product in the consumer space. So the way you market that and the expectations on that return on investment over time is very different. And I think that's what I always see as being the longer play that we have to have repeat to be marketing as a whole. And also around, I'd say that preference we have to build with b2b brands. It's much more about memorability. And that's over a longer term, we've done some great work with our think tank, the b2b Institute, we did this work with the errand bass Institute, and it's around what you call availability and the 95 rule. And this goes to the fact that, you know, 95% of the time people are out of the market, they're only in market to purchase something 5% of the time. So you've got to ensure that the other 95% of the time they're out of market, that you are marketing your brand, so that when they are in market, they remember in your they relate to your brand, because they say, Ah, we're looking for this, this is an organisation I've seen, you know, quite often, in this space, they have credentials themselves. And you know, that can be over a long period of time. And that 95 Five rule means that they may only be in the market every three years to buy something or have something. So you've got to be having what I would call an always on campaign of marketing, so that you know, even if it's little but often, but it has to be often that you're building that brand over the longer term. So that's very different to more of a b2c brand, which tends to be much more shorter, you'll make a buying decision on a much shorter sales cycle. And as a result, you'll see the return a lot quicker and it's very binary.
Ben Walker 19:38
That is mind blowing insight, isn't it? Because actually, you know, what you're saying is you need to be at the bus stop when the bus arrives to catch it, but it's not going to be probably every second of every day. But that's a great insight when you're trying to make the case for brand building in a creative fashion when we are talking to the CFO to use that 95 percent or so 95% of the time, customers aren't going shopping. Only 5% of the time with the customers, the business customers going shopping. And when they do that shopping, we need to be in their minds, we need to be in their heads, they need to be conscious of us. So it's not that everything we're doing is to make an immediate sale, it's that when the time comes for someone to buy, we are one of the people they want to buy from. Yeah.
Tunji Akintokun 20:25
And to add to that, and it's something that I'm sure many of the listeners may have seen is that when you look at more b2b buying decisions, you know, there's some great research out there from some, I think Gartner were the ones I saw more recently in the tech space where I think when we talk about the number of buying groups, and when it's one organisation or one person buying something they spend around, I think it's roughly about 40% of the time online, researching social the desktop research. They then spend about another 35 40%, liaising with their peers and those appears either in their industry, but also people within their organisation stakeholders, which is where you get to this sort of 6.8 to seven people on average, in terms of people they confer with within their group. And then by the time you get down to that opportunity for you to actually position your brand or your product, it's about 8% left of the pie that's left at the end of the day when you get into pitch. So before you even get anywhere near pitching to a customer, you better have your brand really out there so that they see that. And also, more importantly, for marketeers look at those cross buying groups that that client or that particular sector may look to for advice or counsel around what's been done. If you can imagine at an industry event, if you're looking to buy a cloud solution, and it's in the CRM space, you know, they'll go through an industry event, they'll talk to other peers. And if that piece is where we're using this particular product, then that gets registered. And then we'll go into a bit more research until this looks credible. So even though they're out of market, it doesn't mean when they're in market, that's when the reference ability comes back. And the relatable, memorable messaging that's been done on the brand activation becomes very relevant. And that's at that time that you can measure and monetize that. And that's the bit that CMOS have to be much more savvy with in terms of conveying that, actually, you've got this sale, but this sale was generated maybe 18 months ago through this campaign. And we're able to measure and track how that's done. So that's why it's really important.
Ben Walker 22:33
It's a creative mindset. But it's also a long term mindset and long, you would need in the b2c space.
Sophie Peterson 22:42
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Ben Walker 22:53
A little bit less expand it out a bit Tunji for the last 10 minutes of the show and into the minds of CMOS, you've worked with them, you meet them, you see, you see a lot of them. What do you think are in the minds of the CMO community at the moment? What's exercising their minds? What's the what are the sorts of trends that they're getting to grips with?
Tunji Akintokun 23:12
Well, I think at the moment and with with the market and the headwinds that we are seeing in some verticals at the moment, certainly they're on the hook for delivering a lot of value to customers. They've got to build demand for for products and that lower funnel activity we've mentioned before, you know, communicating value to stakeholders, and ultimately helping build trust that underpins all of the above, really. So I think for us, what we're seeing is that through these massively dynamic times, they are having to be fluid. They are having to be agile in terms of looking at how the market responds to not just the branding, but how their organisations are doing and what role that marketing can play in it. But probably more importantly, this role that's become more strategic and central to the business growth. More and more organisations are seeing the importance of marketing. And certainly from a b2b perspective, they also see that the growth of their organisations is much more linked to marketing and brand activity than it ever has been before. So I think that importance of the CMO within the organisation has been elevated. And as a result of that they top of mind for them is to be able to deliver on that expectation around that. And as I said before, I think the investment in the language of finance is becoming more and more important being able to talk fluidly and fluently to CFOs. Around the impact that marketing has on the bottom line with a CFO is a skill that they are having to acquire and learn and, you know, I've spoken to a couple of CFOs over the last few weeks and and that certainly resonates with them. They're saying yes, I you know, I'm I'm having to really ensure that I understand the measurement parts where we are seeing the return and being able to deliver that back in a much more financial language orientated ways so that the CFO understands, actually this is delivering value and growth, we need to invest more into this. So that's that's probably what's top of mind for most CMOS. Right now,
Ben Walker 25:12
As budgets become tighter, the need talk, the CFOs language becomes even more acute
Tunji Akintokun 25:18
It is. And we know the reason why, and I'm sure your listeners know, because it's always one of those easier areas to cut, when there are reductions of budgets to be made. Often we see the marketing budget is one where when you're not able to articulate that value, well enough it's felt or perceived, that budget won't matter, it won't make a difference it does. And when companies then scratch their heads as to why their brands not as recognised or they're, they're losing revenue or growth in different areas, they don't always attribute it easily back to the fact that maybe they've turned off a lot of their marketing activity. And I think that's where I think CMOS have become much more, I guess, savvy, but also more strategic in how they articulate the value that marketing brings.
Ben Walker 26:06
And still going to saving money, you touched on it earlier, we can't let an episode like this go by particularly given that you're coming from the Tech space without talking about AI you isn't a saving money tool or something that marketers should be fearful of?
Tunji Akintokun 26:21
Certainly not fearful of. And we've done some against some research where, you know, we know 73%, of marketers globally feel confident about using the technology. So that's, that's a really good sign. And I think they can see where it can help. And the reason why is because for the majority of them, where you need to deliver results, time is probably a precious assets to have and what AI does for many of them, it will support their work and giving them the focus that they need on what really truly matters, which is around creativity, building deeper relationships with customers, and having the the mental availability and capacity to think about more creative ways to engage with their customers. So we're certainly seeing the the majority of marketers are embracing that. And I think also the tools that are continuing to evolve is giving those marketers the opportunity to build what I would say very creative campaigns that drive action, much better connections with customers, and really, that they unlocked that longer term growth that many of them are looking for
Ben Walker 27:24
interesting, a good way of saving money and a useful tool and something that they're not fearful about. And that's a great positive message to have on it. Because there is a lot of hype around I mean, hype undercooking it massively, but for want of a better word hype around AI and dare I say some fear. But that's yeah, that number that you give is very encouraging.
Tunji Akintokun 27:46
It is very encouraging. And I think what we're seeing across all of our LinkedIn platforms, and if you you've seen many the announcements we've made over the last few months, we're introducing more and more AI enabled tools into our current platforms. And whether you're writing a post on LinkedIn, and you'll see now that for those that are seeing that there's much more AI features that you can use to help you generate posts, right the way through to actually something we launched about a month or so ago, which is a pilot, we've only launched it to a small number of select advertisers in North America. And it's called Accelerate. And basically, it's essentially a it's an automated b2b marketing campaign that allows the creation of experiences powered by AI. And we're testing that around things such as AI generated copy suggestions, to really help marketers jumpstart their campaign. So it's really accelerating the opportunity for them to create content and campaigns a lot quicker with AI to help them in their jobs, going back to the fact that it gives them more opportunity and availability to do more customer engagement and more of the creatives that really help bring those brilliant campaigns that they're creating to life. So we'll probably talk more about that. Over the years, that pilot kind of manifests itself and we get more feedback from it. But going back to the stats around 73%, of marketers embracing it and feel confident about it, I'm pretty sure that it's going to be successful. And we'll see more AI helping marketers do their jobs more efficiently. But also give them that, that headspace to be able to be more creative as well.
Ben Walker 29:23
That's fantastic news, actually. I mean, it's interesting that you the way that you couch it is that it actually freeing them up to do some of that more quintessentially human stuff. You know, to some degree, the whole show has been about humanization of, you know, campaigns and brand building between businesses. And you're saying it is a powerful tool that allows marketers the latitude, the time to do the customer engagement to do the quintessentially human part of their job where they can add the most value, which I think will be a positive message, but in terms of your project, work on AI, it's almost a whole new podcast or podcasts of its own. And hopefully you'll come back and join and to talk to us a little bit more about that when you're further down the line with the with the research.
Tunji Akintokun 30:04
Absolutely. And we've we've done some great work again, for our listeners, we've done a future of work report on AI, which is on our b2b slightly, maybe even be on our economic graph site. But again, this gives us a really good insight, that deep piece of research done in different industries and the impact but it's very positive in terms of where AI is going to be really helpful, very useful, but it's ultimately, in marketing terms, it's going to really help us to be more creative and be more efficient and more productive in what we do. So I'm, I'm excited personally about I guess, the opportunity for AI and I'm already using it actively in my job today.
Ben Walker 30:43
That's fantastic and very encouraging message to almost finish on as a almost I'm going to put you on the spot energy, or crystal ball. I'm infamous my demands on people crystal ball gazing 2024 nearly upon us, by the time this podcast emerges, it will be almost Christmas and people will be looking I think it's fair to say into the new year. What are the key opportunities for CMOS? Do you think for next year in your space on your on your mind?
Tunji Akintokun 31:12
I think certainly one will be around thought leadership more and more now we're seeing companies wanting to have a point of view, to be able to have that thought leadership out there to build up their credibility but their brand, our thought leadership platform, a platform called thought leadership ads, we're seeing an increasing momentum of organisations asking how we can get our C suites and our senior execs more engaged with the platform from a b2b perspective around some of the messaging they want to have. And I think that we'll we'll see more of that next year. The other area, which I'm always excited about, and it's a very innovative ways around how we use video more, and I think next year, we'll start to see much more creative ads, I think I've covered a couple of examples how we're using, you know, the Docu series of DPT is one example of that just using connected TV and using that platform, which is something we're piloting at the moment in beta with a number of customers, I think next year again, that's going to be a product that will really take off where you're looking at those in feeds into TV, or to specific audiences have specific content from a b2b perspective, which I think again, will be a really big thing. So that's probably just a couple where I'm, I'm pretty excited for next year and it will be rude of me not to finish on AI. So I think AI will continue to evolve, I think you're gonna see a plethora of more announcements from us as an organisation, which again, was a marketeers in doing their job do more productively. And more excitingly, next year.
Ben Walker 32:52
That was fantastic. And some great insights, some great future gazing as well. Encouraging.
Tunji Akintokun 32:57
I was gonna say, I'm not miss. I'm not mystic, Meg, but I try my best.
Ben Walker 33:01
Thanks for driving. And I'm pretty sure that some of those insights will prove to come true. And certainly the positive message on AI is something I think we can all take a bit of Christmas cheer from. Tunji it's been absolutely fantastic to have you on the show. And to have somebody whose insights come from, you know, as we said, at the top of the show that what is now one of the biggest brands in the world in terms of its utilisation by the public. Great to have you on the show, I won't ask the question in the hope that you will return to this CIM Podcast soon because we would love to have you on and particularly perhaps talk about some of the findings you get as you work along this AI journey and pass those insights on to the sector.
Tunji Akintokun 33:41
I'd be delighted to Ben and thanks for having me again. And yep, I look forward to seeing you hopefully soon.
Ben Walker 33:47
And you Tunji. It's been a great show. Thank you very much indeed. That's Tunji Akintokun who is senior director, head of enterprise solutions, UK and Ireland at LinkedIn. See you on the CIM Podcast very soon indeed.
Sophie Peterson 34:01
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