• CoBrowse
  • Virtual


    User Experience (UX) plays a pivotal role in an organisation’s success. A seamless and engaging user experience will help deliver user satisfaction, customer loyalty, and overall business growth. We will examine how to measure user experience success, as well as how to analyse and improve user journeys (including the critical touchpoints and pain points that shape user experiences).

    We will also explore aspects of digital psychology that will help you to create digital experiences that resonate deeply with diverse user groups - including neurodiversity, personality traits, and motivational drivers. Additionally, we evaluate the importance of integrating AI to elevate user experiences and streamline processes. Throughout the day, we apply theory, research, and real-world examples, ensuring practical application and relevance to delegates' UX projects.

    Who should attend?

    This course is designed for those seeking to enhance their expertise in UX strategy, design, or implementation, and anyone involved in shaping their organisation's UX agenda and vision.

    This course is applicable to all devices and all sectors (B2C, B2B and non-profit).

    Learning outcomes

    Making the most of User Experience (UX)

    • Define and measure user experience
    • How to select your UX research/testing technique(s)
    • Design styles: skeuomorphic, flat, minimal and material design

    Support Diversity and Sustainability

    • Designing for audiences with diverse knowledge bases
    • Implement creative choices for inclusive design
    • Explore approaches for more sustainable design

    Managing UX

    • Designing and launching a new site/app/product
    • What are dark patterns and should you use them?
    • Recruiting and managing UX personnel/resource

    Understanding the User Journey

    • Analyse and model user journeys
    • Managing critical touch and pain points
    • Best practices for: onboarding, gamification, chatbots and data visualisation 

    Leveraging Digital Psychology

    • Design standout user experiences
    • Create compelling experiences based on users’ personality traits
    • Understand how to use users’ motivations to influence their choices

    AI and other New Technologies

    • How can AI support our UX design efforts?
    • Apply best practices for AI and new tech design
    • When can AI deliver the most benefit?
    • Identifying ethical, legal and strategic issues


    “Really enjoyed the course - it made me realise the importance of UX throughout the whole project and made me think about aspects I hadn't considered. I liked the different examples as this helped bring the subject to life.”

    Rosie O’Carroll Head of Strategic Communications British Thoracic Society

    “Positive and informative were the watchwords; everything was tailored, relevant and academic (in the best sense!)”

    Alexander Jones Apps Marketing Coordinator

    Course Dates

    Start Date Duration Location
    02 Apr 2025 1d Virtual
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    04 Jun 2025 1d Virtual
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    Course Director

    Tim Fidgeon

    Tim is a CIM Consultant and Course Director. He has managed User Experience projects for Fortune 500 and FTSE 100 companies, including: BT, General Motors, GlaxoSmithKline, Google, Royal Bank of Scotland, Unilever, UPS, and Vodafone. These projects have included new product development, website re-designs and up-skilling global UX teams. He has over 20 years' experience in developing excellent User Experiences and driving growth. Tim's articles on User Experience have been published by: .net magazine, New Media Knowledge, Usability News and Web Standards Group.

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    If you have a question about this course then please use the form below, use the web chat facility on the right of this page, or speak to one of our Learning Advisors at +44 (0)1628 427360.


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