• CoBrowse
  • Virtual


    Search is vital for your organisation – whether it’s on the Internet, in Virtual Reality, or in the Metaverse (or whatever comes next). Implementations will change – whether it’s searching by text, voice, image or video. But your organisation’s challenge will always stay the same enabling audiences to find and engage with your content.

    During this session, we take a step back from the technologies of search and instead focus on the motivations of the people doing the searching. Search technologies are subject to rapid and unpredictable change, but your audience are not. Audiences may adapt to changing circumstances, but their fundamental drivers and thought processes are built in. This means that if you can understand your audience’s search approaches, you’ll be well placed to target them effectively.

    Throughout the day, we’ll engage in group discussions about how the ideas we’re looking at apply to your organisation.

    Who should attend?

    Senior marketers who want to take a longer-term view on developing platform-independent search strategies.

    Learning outcomes

    • Audience types – ways to target different audiences’ search behaviours and needs, according to age, domain expertise, literacy and device
    • Taxonomies of search – understanding the different ways that people search, including navigation, action, brand, value, feature, occasion, demographic, symptom, and compatibility
    • Psychology of search – using the psychology of motivation, decision-making and personality to understand how your audience will search for your products/services
    • Search Results – best practices on making your results stand out from the crowd, including clarity, relevance, surprise, movement, interaction and storytelling
    • Landing Pages – best practices on creating effective messages in response to users’ searches, including persuasion techniques, user experience (UX) guidelines, and copywriting
    • Customer profiles and journeys – templates for developing key insights that will drive your search strategy (and help communicate them within your organisation)
    • Developing a search strategy – a philosophy and process for your organisation to move forward using this session’s insights

    Course Dates

    Start Date Duration Location
    No Course Dates Available

    Course Director

    Tim Fidgeon

    Tim is a CIM Consultant and Course Director. He has managed User Experience projects for Fortune 500 and FTSE 100 companies, including: BT, General Motors, GlaxoSmithKline, Google, Royal Bank of Scotland, Unilever, UPS, and Vodafone. These projects have included new product development, website re-designs and up-skilling global UX teams. He has over 20 years' experience in developing excellent User Experiences and driving growth. Tim's articles on User Experience have been published by: .net magazine, New Media Knowledge, Usability News and Web Standards Group.

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