• CoBrowse
  • Virtual


    Marketing planning allows an organisation to bring together all the elements of marketing, to provide a clear direction and focus based on analysis and insight. This course is designed to help you write better marketing plans by providing a clear framework, taking you step-by-step through the marketing planning process. This is a highly interactive workshop and we will be applying the principles to a case situation throughout the day to help reinforce your learning. You will take away a marketing plan framework in four pages, making application easier back at work.

    Who should attend?

    This course is especially useful for managers and executives having to prepare a marketing plan for the first time or you may want to review the effectiveness of your current plans against best practice guidelines. Senior managers will also find this workshop invaluable when needing to evaluate the plans submitted to them by marketing specialists.

    Learning outcomes

    • Define the key steps in the marketing planning process
    • Undertake a marketing audit to identify your key challenges
    • Generate alternative growth strategies for your business
    • Develop a segmentation and targeting strategy
    • Construct a Strategy Statement: SMART objectives, positioning and proposition development
    • Review the marketing mix and select the appropriate channels for your business
    • Identify implementation issues 
    • Develop a measurement framework
    • Identify marketing planning challenges and develop an action plan 

    Course Dates

    Start Date Duration Location
    23 Apr 2025 1d Virtual
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    Course Director

    Debbie Clewes

    Debbie is a very experienced trainer and consultant working with the CIM for many years delivering tailored in-company marketing strategy and planning workshops across sectors including Tesco, Barclay’s, Charles Wells Breweries, BHF and Rolls Royce. She also helps managers achieve their professional qualifications on the CIM Certificate and Diploma in Professional Marketing leading the Marketing Impact, Innovation in Marketing and Marketing & Digital Strategy modules. Debbie is very positive, friendly and engaging and is genuinely interested in her delegates and their individual needs. She is focused on presenting from a strategic perspective, the most useful marketing frameworks and working collaboratively to apply these to practice helping inspire change and improve performance.

    Do you have a question?

    If you have a question about this course then please use the form below, use the web chat facility on the right of this page, or speak to one of our Learning Advisors at +44 (0)1628 427360.


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