• CoBrowse
  • Virtual


    This workshop will show you how a well-structured integrated marketing communications plan ensures your resources are used effectively and efficiently. It will also help you understand how both online and offline channels work together to optimise multi-channel marketing campaign performance. We will show you how to achieve the optimal balance of brand building, generating product/service interest, creating product/service desire and delivering an action. You will benefit from a wide range of sector case studies, together with practical tools and techniques, that will help you improve your integrated marketing communications planning process.

    We will help you meet the challenge of getting the channel mix across each stage of the customer journey, balancing a consistent and seamless customer experience while also optimising the mix of channels and communications content to meet the objectives at each touchpoint.

    Who should attend?

    This course is designed to help you develop an effective integrated marketing campaign planning process. It is suitable for anyone involved in B2C, B2B and Not-for-profit.

    Learning outcomes

    • Understand the advantages of integrated marketing communications planning
    • How to use a proven, simple, six-stage approach to IMC planning
    • Deliver a consistent brand identity and messaging across all channels
    • Set organisational marketing and communications objectives that are measurable and quantifiable
    • Understand how integrated multi-channel communications can drive behavioural change
    • How audiences perceive value and how this can be used to shape your value proposition
    • Use your value proposition to determine positioning and messaging
    • Create and translate a communications goal and tasks into a powerful multi-channel planning brief
    • Select communications tools and media based on their capabilities, your objectives and budget
    • How to measure performance results of your integrated marketing communications and ROMI


    "Brilliant! I feel like I've learned absolutely loads in the space of one day, the course leader made great efforts to ensure everyone stayed engaged and had plenty of opportunities to share ideas and participate, very impressed."

    Tabby Farrar Principal Content & Digital PR Consultant Candour

    “Vanessa Moon was brilliant. She was engaging and gave excellent examples of the marketing learnings in practice. She clearly has a wealth of marketing knowledge and experience - I really enjoyed the day.”


    Helen Talbot Senior Marketing Executive The Jockey Club

    “Really good - Vanessa was a great tutor; very knowledgeable, enthusiastic, engaging and helpful, An altogether enjoyable and useful experience.”

    Rupert Booth Marketing and Business Development MYRIAD Group Technologies Limited

    "Very good, Vanessa was very knowledgeable and was excellent at giving real-life examples to give context which was hugely helpful and definitely makes a difference."

    Suzanne Thomas Communications Officer Crewe Town Council

    “Useful and innovative. The right information parcelled out in easy-to-digest chunks.”

    Jack Andrew Cribb Communications Specialist E Co.

    Course Dates

    Start Date Duration Location
    18 Mar 2025 1d Virtual
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    22 May 2025 1d Virtual
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    For help choosing the right course, or to discuss training for your team, call:
    +44(0)1628 427360


    Course Director

    Vanessa Moon

    Vanessa has over 28 years’ experience in product and brand management, insight and communications. Her reputation has been built across a variety of agency and client roles and longstanding project, training and consultancy work that includes clients such as Tesco, Xerox, Tfl, Barclaycard, Taylors of Harrogate, Yorkshire Tea, Asda, Avon, BBC Studios, Kraft, KP Snacks, Bacardi-Martini, Lloyds and Legal & General to name a few. She has trained and consulted international brands widely in regions such as EU, EMEA, Asia Pac, Latin and Central America and has held roles on several Marketing Excellence Councils. She is a popular guest speaker and facilitator and is consistently recognised as engaging and inspiring - with the knack of simplifying training tools and templates in ways that make them relevant and easy to implement for the business. Vanessa encourages marketing with social purpose.

    Virtual delivery

    Our virtual delivery format is designed to deliver engaging and interactive experience using short bursts of content delivery, group breakouts, interactive polls, multimedia case histories and how-to-do workshops.

    Do you have a question?

    If you have a question about this course then please use the form below, use the web chat facility on the right of this page, or speak to one of our Learning Advisors at +44 (0)1628 427360.


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    Want to purchase courses for multiple people or have any other training requirements?
    Call us on 01628 427360
    Email us at training@cim.co.uk
    or click on the 'Need Help' icon that has appeared to the right.