• CoBrowse
  • Virtual


    This course helps you develop a clear understanding of how to motivate and manage professional sales teams. It provides Sales Managers with the skills, knowledge and strategies that deliver results, even in the most competitive market conditions. As a result of the course you will be able to accurately set meaningful objectives, forecast sales, motivate your top performers, build and develop the skills of your sales team and maximise results. The techniques are equally applicable to office based and virtual teams, and those which may operate a mixed model of office, remote and virtual working.

    Who should attend?

    This course is designed for established sales managers who wish to improve their performance, those about to move into a sales management role, salespeople with some sales management responsibility and those who want to understand more about this challenging role.

    Learning outcomes

    • How to link business and sales strategy to objectives
    • Set meaningful objectives for individuals and the team
    • Assess motivation and understand individual needs of the team
    • How to recruit the right people for the team
    • How to keep top performers performing
    • How to build and develop the skills of the team
    • How to manage underperformance
    • How to accurately forecast sales
    • Identify the activity required to achieve the sales plan
    • Communication between office, remote and virtual team members
    • Prioritise day-to-day sales management activities to maximise sales
    • Ensure the team is doing the right things in the right way to achieve results

    Course Dates

    Start Date Duration Location
    20 May 2025 2d Virtual
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    Course Director

    Paul Duxbury

    Paul is an expert and experienced capability builder, specialising in optimising commercial teams (sales & marketing) in large, multinational businesses. He’s spent half of his career working ‘client-side’ with Rothmans, BAT, GSK and Haleon and half consulting, meaning he has regularly ‘walked the talk’, putting theory into practice, and using practice to create sounder and more sustainable theory. Paul began his sales career selling from his car boot to independent retailers, progressed from there into sales management and most recently has been fine-tuning Joint Business Planning processes and building the capabilities of a multi-national sale team that is expanding into new categories with new routes-to-market.

    Do you have a question?

    If you have a question about this course then please use the form below, use the web chat facility on the right of this page, or speak to one of our Learning Advisors at +44 (0)1628 427360.


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