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  • Virtual


    Developing a robust and dynamic approach to Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (ED&I) is rapidly becoming a top priority for marketers. In this fast-changing landscape, more and more brands are realising that they will only build trust and flourish by demonstrating a genuine commitment to ensuring that all their stakeholders feel valued, included and welcome. And while the opportunities to increase customer connection are clear, marketers can also feel threatened by the scope and the complexities of ED&I and are worried about making mistakes that damage brand or reputation, especially in the social media ‘bear pit’. This course provides an introduction to the basic principles of ED&I to help you make the most of the new opportunities, while also avoiding the pitfalls of getting it wrong.

    Who should attend?

    Marketers who are new to this topic or whose brands are in the exploratory or early stages of their own ED&I journey. This course is suitable for anyone who wants to promote and protect their brand by including ED&I principles in their marketing and comms activities.

    Learning outcomes

    • Understand the fundamental principles of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (ED&I)
    • Understand the benefits of integrating ED&I into your marketing comms so that customers and employees feel that they belong
    • Understand the impact of stereotyping and unconscious bias in your marketing communications
    • Increase your awareness of the powerful emotions around the ED&I conversation, so that your comms initiatives have the right impact
    • Learn guiding principles from examples of best and worst practice in marketing campaigns
    • Challenge outdated assumptions and learn how to create diverse, un-stereotyped and inclusive content that is authentic to your brand, relatable and in touch with the real world


    “Far exceeded my expectations. Dave was a strong inspiring presenter and knew how to keep everyone engaged. His use of different imagery, videos and quotes was excellent.”

    Lynn Corrigan Marketing Director Gratnells Limited

    “Positive, inspiring, informative and forward-thinking.”

    Barry Michael Aldridge FCIM CMktr Head of Marketing Flotec Industrial Limited

    Course Dates

    Start Date Duration Location
    16 Apr 2025 1d Virtual
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    17 Jun 2025 1d Virtual
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    Course Director

    David Hare

    David is a published author, executive coach and trainer with clients across the UK, Europe and the USA. He created his own consultancy after a ten-year career in marketing and has been a CIM Course Director since 2010. His portfolio of corporate communications work includes DPD, Holland & Barrett, Veolia, Marston’s, GE, ABB and Barclays. David started his career as an academic, teaching at St. Andrews University, the Sorbonne and the OU. His passion for ED&I emerged from running leadership and cultural transformation projects for a £2bn corporate client and from his own diverse heritage – a blend of Indian, Jewish, German and Portuguese, amongst others! His first personal development book, The Buddha in Me, the Buddha in You – a handbook for happiness was published in February 2016 by Penguin Random House and a year later by Flammarion in France, where David has also lived.

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