This weekend from 18:00 Friday 14 March until 11:00 Monday 17 March we will be updating our finance system. You will be unable to join, renew or book exams online during this period. Please contact if you have any queries, the team will be happy to assist.

Question:How can I become a Chartered Marketer?

You must first be awarded Associate (ACIM), Member (MCIM) or Fellow (FCIM) graded membership and then complete two consecutive years of CPD, followed by an online assessment.

Under the current CPD programme, you will need to complete CPD for a minimum of two consecutive years. On completion of your second consecutive year, you will need to complete the Chartered Marketer assessment.

This is based on the Professional Marketing Competencies and you will need to answer a series of multiple choice questions to complete the assessment. Once you have met this criteria, you will be awarded Chartered Marketer status.

More information can be found here.