• CoBrowse
  • Have you ever been looking at a pair of shoes on the internet or another product which then pops up on your social media feed? This is not a coincidence. It is a marketer's job to pick the best ways to reach their customers to promote and sell their products.

    So, whether you see that TV advert for a new car, that newly released burger displayed at the bus stop, or an influencer promoting something on TikTok, all of it is connected to marketing.

    Is it right for me?

    A successful career in marketing requires a lot of different skills and knowledge. Whilst not all of these skills are necessary, if you can pick out a couple that you’re good at or if you’re studying any related A-Levels, this will really help you when applying for marketing roles or courses.

    • art_272x179

      Art and Design

      If you have a creative flair, a career in marketing would suit you well. The ability to create and communicate products in a compelling way, will help you to succeed in the industry. And an interest in how brands visually differentiate themselves, will make you stand out against others looking to get into the industry.

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      English and Humanities

      Effective communication is key to marketing, so if you’re good with words and language, marketing could be perfect for you. Whether it’s a magazine article or social media advert, you’ll be talking directly to your audience and unless you get the important points across clearly, you’ll never persuade them to buy your product.

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      If you’re good with numbers, lots of elements of marketing require a good grasp of maths. From analysing customer data, to calculating whether a promotional campaign has been profitable, there are various roles within the industry that you could be right for.

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      Computer studies and IT

      Technology has become increasingly important to marketers in helping them deliver and promote their products in the market – just look at the rise of programmatic advertising and augmented reality. The forward-thinking people with the technical skills to make all of this happen, are among the most successful marketers.

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      Marketing is an increasingly global business. The ability to speak foreign languages and understand other cultures gives you a major advantage when working for multi–national companies. This could also give you the opportunity to live and work abroad.

    Why a career in marketing?

    If you’re looking for a job: 

    • Where your day is never the same, full of different activities and working with different people
    • Which is exciting, something you can be passionate about and actually be able to show this passion through your work 
    • Or have a career that could go in many different directions depending on what you enjoy, and learn skills that you could use to set up your own business one day. 

    Then marketing could be for you!


    Marketing is present in every organisation in some way, across all industries. So whether you’re interested in fashion, sports, gaming, or whatever your passion is, all of these brands need marketing. This means as a marketer you can not only work for a brand you are passionate about, but you can also make a real difference through the work you do.  

    No matter where you work, marketing is always changing. Nothing stays the same for long, keeping your career different and interesting, but you will always need to be learning to keep up. 

    What will I do day to day?

    Marketing is a department full of people who have different job roles and responsibilities. You could have the creative flair, the strategic mind set or numerical skills, there is something for everyone.

    Routes into marketing

    As an aspiring marketer, getting into the industry can seem daunting, but finding your true potential in marketing isn’t limited to one specific route. If you haven’t figured out your route into the industry yet, you still have a range of options to choose from. Whether you want to earn and learn, have your heart set on university or want to gain a recognised qualification, the choice is yours. Click on each route to find out more.

    Useful resources

    • 268x176_1

      Routes into marketing: is university right for you?

    • 268x176_2

      Routes into marketing: Considering a CIM qualification?

    • make-it-in-makreting_image-2

      A career in marketing: Is it right for me?

    • 268x176_1

      46% of students are considering a career in marketing, if employers ‘invest in them’ – The Drum

    • 268x176_2

      Jobs in marketing – BBC Bitesize

    • 280x184

      How to become a young leader

    • building-a-career-as-a-modern-marketer_v2_webpage-tile-280x184

      Listen to our webinar to discover how to start your successful marketing career.

    • milkround-logo-assets-cim

      Find your dream internship, placement or graduate role with Milkround. 

    • 280x184

      How to get started in marketing

    • webinar_pi_fundamentals-of-marketing_280x184px

      Explore the core principles of marketing in our insightful webinar.

    Contact us

    If you have any questions regarding our qualifications or other routes into marketing
    Call +44 (0)1628 427120
    Email qualifications@cim.co.uk

    Don’t forget to follow us on social media to find out more about marketing.