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This weekend from 18:00 Friday 14 March until 11:00 Monday 17 March we will be updating our finance system. You will be unable to join, renew or book exams online during this period. Please contact if you have any queries, the team will be happy to assist.
CIM qualifications are delivered through our international network of Accredited Study Centres. To get started you’ll need to head over to our Study Centre Finder tool, to find your preferred centre.
Our qualifications are designed to fit around your busy lifestyle. Prior to starting your studies, you’ll have the choice of selecting a study method that best suits you. We would recommend contacting your chosen Study Centre, to discuss the study methods they have available.
Each module can be achieved as an individual award. This allows for a flexible learning experience whereby you can build up to achieving the full qualification in a time frame that suits you.
We currently have 57 Accredited Study Centres outside of the UK who offer our qualifications. And if there isn’t a centre local to you, you will be able to study with an online provider, receiving online tuition and support. You can search for an appropriate centre here.
Each Accredited Study Centre has their own individual start dates, so we would advise you contact your preferred centre, to discuss this.
To discuss your potential exemptions and transition arrangements please contact our Qualifications team on +44 (0)1628 427120 or
There are different costs associated with a CIM qualification. You will need to pay a tuition fee to your Accredited Study Centre, the cost of which can vary per centre. Fees payable to CIM include your annual membership fee and cost of assessments. You can find a list of appropriate fees on our website. Students are eligible for reduced assessment fees if residing in a country that qualifies for reduced rates.
Self-study is a not an available method of study. To study a CIM qualification, you must be enrolled with one of our Accredited Study Centres. Studying with an Accredited Study Centre means you can be confident that you will receive the best teaching practices, from qualified marketing professionals.
We partner with leading universities worldwide to match the content of their marketing degree courses against CIM qualifications, to assess where we can award exemptions through our CIM Accredited Degree programme. You can look to see if your university and degree are included here.
If you complete the CIM Marketing Leadership Programme or Postgraduate Diploma in Professional Marketing, you will be able to use the letters, ‘DipM’ after your name. If you complete the Diploma in Professional Marketing or Diploma in Professional Digital Marketing, you would be eligible for associate graded membership and could use the letters ACIM after your name, whilst holding current membership.
The prestigious Chartered Marketer status is achieved through a combination of qualifications, experience and Continuing Professional Development (CPD). To become a Chartered Marketer, you must first reach ACIM, MCIM, or FCIM graded membership and then complete two years of consecutive CPD, as well as an online assessment. A CIM qualification at level 6 and 7 will contribute towards your eligibility for graded membership.
If you have any questions regarding our qualifications
Call +44 (0)1628 427120