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    Aims of the module

    A key aspect of a senior marketer’s role is leading and managing change within an organisation. This module will enable you to meet the challenges of change by providing a platform for supporting future responses through harnessing organisational potential and sustainable innovation. In addition you will develop an understanding of how the organisation’s assets can be managed to build and sustain a clear market position to guide, support and implement market-led change within an organisation.

    Module structure

    Three units with two learning outcomes each. By the end of this module you should be able to:

    Unit 1: Building the Case for Change

    • Develop critical understanding of how to harness organisational potential to generate and sustain value for all stakeholders
    • Use insight to develop sustainable innovation relevant to the direction and resources of the organisation

    Unit 2: Creating a Change Culture

    • Appraise the role of brand equity and corporate reputation in directing and sustaining change within the organisation
    • Demonstrate how a customer-facing organisational structure and culture can support strategies to optimise corporate capability

    Unit 3: Implementing Change

    • Recommend the use of contemporary practice in effectively leading, managing and influencing others to deliver organisational change
    • Appraise the process and environment required to implement, review and reflect on the effectiveness of organisational change

    Assessment: Assignment 

    • An assignment based on a given scenario relating to an organisation of your choice.

    View module specification document.

    Explore the full CIM Marketing Leadership Programme.

    Award level
    CIM level 7

    Estimated study time
    200 hours

    Please contact your Accredited Study Centre directly

    View module specification

    To speak to an advisor:
    Call +44 (0)1628 427120
    Email qualifications@cim.co.uk

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    To discuss our qualifications:
    Call +44 (0)1628 427120
    Email qualifications@cim.co.uk