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    • The Chartered Institute of Marketing’s (CIMCIG) Construction Industry Group’s annual debate looks to address the challenges faced in improving the image of the sector
    • The CIMCIG event will look to address the Image of Construction and the findings of The Farmer Review

    Mark Farmer, CEO of Cast Consultancy is one of the keynote speakers who will headline a major industry debate on improving the image of construction, organised by CIMCIG, the Chartered Institute of Marketing’s (CIM) Construction Industry Group on Thursday 16 May.

    The annual debate, which takes place at London’s Palace of Westminster, House of Lords, will look to address the challenges in attracting new talent to the industry, having workforce diversity, the ability to deliver cost-effective innovations and busting the many misconceptions of the sector.

    Joining Mark in the panel to discuss the many challenges of improving the image of construction and the possible solutions will be: Sadie Morgan, director at dRMM Architects; Sam Stacey, challenge director of transforming construction at UK Research and Innovation; Mark Reynolds, chief executive of Mace Group and Jade Lewis, director of advocacy at Saint Gobain.

    In 2016, Mark Farmer was commissioned by the Construction Leadership Council to undertake an independent review of the UK’s construction labour model, focussing on the skills pressures and other constraints that limit housebuilding and infrastructure development in the UK. The debate aims to unite professional leaders across a variety of disciplines within the construction sector to discuss the current situation, the key issues, and the actions the industry must take to respond effectively to the issues raised in the report.

    Mike Lomax, chair of the CIMCIG, said: “The demographics of our industry are such that we are now losing more people each year than we are gaining. Too many people have the impression that working in the sector simply means getting your hands dirty on site, which of course is untrue. Construction has something for everyone, and it’s our job as marketers to dispel the myths surrounding our industry and attract the best and brightest talent the next generation has to offer. The debate will create a forum where people from across the sector can discuss how to redesign our market to deliver better results and become more attractive to top talent.”

    The debate will also include networking accompanied by a luncheon and afternoon tea. Guests are advised to book early to secure their places, as due to the nature of this event, bookings cannot be accepted after the 8 May 2019.

    Visit https://www.cim.co.uk/event/94264/ for more information or to book online.




    Notes to editors

    To read the Farmer report, click here: Modernise or die: The Farmer Review of the UK Construction Labour Model.


    For media enquiries

    For further information please contact the Chartered Institute of Marketing regional press office at Pelican Communications on david.anthony@pelicomms.co.uk or 01457 820807


    For CIM enquiries

    James Delves
    CIM Head of PR and External Engagement


    Corinne Lavictoire  
    PR Executive


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    CIMCIG is the Chartered Institute of Marketing’s Construction Industry Group. Construction is an industry with an annual turnover of £90 billion, about 8% of the UK’s GDP, and which employs over 2 million people throughout the UK.


    CIMCIG assists marketers working in the construction industry. Whether they work for contractors, manufacturers, professional practices, materials suppliers, information providers or specialist marketing consultants, we advance the careers of our members by demonstrating that companies which employ professionally qualified marketers outperform those that do not.


    Membership of CIMCIG is over 1000 and growing.


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