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  • Release: Digital marketing skills show positive growth but sector demands outpace professional development


    Digital marketing skills show positive growth but sector demands outpace professional development

    • Report finds significant opportunities as well as notable risks for marketing teams
    • Study of 10,000 marketers sees skills in digital channels improving but in a sector continuing to evolve at pace
    • Confidence outstrips actual ability across the majority of digital marketing disciplines
    • Target Internet and the Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM) call for innovation and continued investment to improve skills at all levels with the rise of hybrid working

    October 23 2023, New research published by the training body Target Internet, in association with the Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM), reveals that core digital skills marketers rely on have improved but that the growing demands of new and evolving technologies are contributing to a skills gap across the majority of industries.

    This year’s report analyses data from more than 10,000 marketing professionals, gathered between 2018 to 2023 and highlights key short and medium-term trends, opportunities and challenges across the marketing sector.

    Rapidly changing marketing landscape impacts skills required by marketers

    A separate study carried out by CIM, highlighted the complex environment marketers operate in. Worryingly, one in five respondents (19%) stated they felt they only had some of the required skills to successfully carry out their roles. Whilst almost four fifths, (79%) believed the skill set required for the job had changed completely over the past decade.

    With many marketers being forced to adapt to a variety of emerging technologies including generative AI, Google Analytics 4, Web3, an ever growing martech stack and an increasing number of social media platforms – it comes as little surprise that the range of skills expected from marketing professionals continues to expand.

    The pace of development in the sector means that as the range of skills expected from marketing professionals continues to increase, businesses have to dig deep and continue to invest in training and development in times of economic uncertainty.

    Marketing skills see growth but skills gaps remain

    The report found that there has been a general upwards trend amongst key marketing disciplines with social media (+8%), Ecommerce & Lead Generation (+5%) and Email Marketing (+5%) seeing the greatest average improvements, whilst Content Marketing (+1%), Analytics & Data (+2%) and PPC (+2%) saw more modest increases.

    However, despite a general upwards trend, improvements in most digital marketing areas remain relatively low, and are still far from universal. The is clearly a marketing skills gap with several disciplines only seeing slight increases from pre-pandemic levels and some areas having still not recovered.

    The rapid pace of change in the marketing sector means it can be difficult for marketers to remain up to date and relevant, which impacts a team’s ability to meet business objectives, thus impacting the bottom line. Sustained investment in training is needed to ensure that teams have the requisite skills they need to compete in the crowded marketing space.

    Skill gaps vary across seniority levels

    The research found that marketers, at several levels, have improved their skills over the past 12 months but that some of the more junior roles had regressed, demonstrating  a clear case for skills  to be updated through continuous training at all levels:.

    • Intern’s skill levels have seen a general upwards trend compared to last year with the most significant increase in general marketing (+18%)
    • Assistant/Graduate level roles have seen the least amount of progress, with scores drifting back in four of twelve areas, with the only area of significant progress being Social Media (+9%).
    • In contrast, the Head of Department group has made progress in all but one area of capability in the benchmark tests, while those at Director level demonstrated progress in all twelve areas of competency, taking these groups in line with, or above, the all-seniority average.

    Confidence vs ability

    The benchmark also suggests a gap exists between confidence and actual skill levels across the majority of tech-driven marketing disciplines. With the exception of Marketing Theory, Email, Ecommerce and Lead Generation, confidence levels consistently outstrip actual ability. This was most evident in Content Marketing, Usability and Social Media.

    Commenting on the results of the benchmarking study, CEO of Target Internet, Daniel Rowles, said: “This year's benchmark outcomes underscore significant opportunities as well as notable risks for businesses of all kinds. Companies and individuals that adopt a culture of continuous professional development have a genuine chance to distinguish themselves, especially as technology continues to develop at pace. Moreover, it emphasises that reducing investments in training proves to be an ineffective strategy for increasing productivity and driving growth.”

    Chris Daly, Chief Executive of the Chartered Institute of Marketing, commented: “Despite the challenges we’ve all experienced over the past couple of years, I’m pleased to see that skills are increasing. However, the report’s findings should act as a wake-up call for marketers to invest in their training and development. The range of skills expected from marketing professionals continues to expand, which gives us new opportunities to drive change and demonstrate our industry’s value. But to do this, it is vital marketers remain cognisant of the rapidly changing marketing landscape and keep up to date with professional development - or risk getting left behind.”

    “The demand for digital skills remains strong in a rapidly changing environment, so I would therefore urge marketers to invest in their own skills and those of their teams to stay ahead of the curve.”

    To read the full 2023 benchmarking report click hereTo benchmark your team's skills click here 

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    For media enquiries
    For full copies of the research contact:
    Good Relations: cimteam@goodrelations.co.uk 

    For CIM enquiries
    James Delves
    Head of PR, Content & Community, CIM

    Bryndley Walker
    PR Executive, CIM


    Over 10,000 have been asked a series of questions on 12 core digital marketing related topics. The questions were taken from a bank of questions on each topic that tested both tactical and strategic knowledge. These questions were weighted according to difficulty/ level of specialism, and a percentage score was calculated out of a possible 100%. The benchmark has been tested in a range of commercial organisations before being made more broadly available. This was to make sure the results aligned with the reality of an individual’s skills. Questions are regularly updated to reflect the latest industry best practice and are aligned with the Chartered Institute of Marketing professional standards and qualifications.

    The data was collected and then cross referenced against third party industry data to check for validity. It was also manually reviewed to make sure the individuals and their organisations represented a broad range of roles, organisation type and size within each industry. We continue to collect data on an ongoing basis and this allows us to keep on increasing the sample size, as well as seeing changes over time.


    About CIM

    For over 100 years, CIM has supported the marketing sector. With members in more than 100 countries, CIM strives for business leaders and opinion formers to recognise the positive contribution professional marketing can bring to business, society and the planet. We support, develop and represent marketers, organisations and the profession all over the world. Our ability to award Chartered Marketer status recognises a marketer’s commitment to staying current and abiding by a professional Code of Conduct. While our diverse range of training courses and world-renowned qualifications, enable modern marketers to thrive in their roles and deliver long-term success for businesses. Find out more about CIM by visiting www.cim.co.uk


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