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  • Release: CIM members get ahead with Digi-Talk




    HASTINGS Hotels has announced that members of its monthly Digi-Talk: The Forum can gain credits for the Chartered Institute of Marketing’s ‘CPD Programme’.

    The innovative forum, which takes place at the Stormont Hotel, is led by a different digital expert each month and covers a wide range of topics throughout the year.

    Eileen Curry, Chair of CIM Ireland said: “We are pleased to partner with Hastings Hotels to support the professional development of our members. The Chartered CPD Programme is open to all CIM members and provides a focused and logical way to keep learning as your career progresses.

    “Our key message to members is to take charge of your learning, your development, your CPD, particularly given that professionals can now learn everywhere. We give members the means to identify their skills gaps via our CPD skills analysis tool and the ability to record key learnings and reflections through our CPD framework.

    By attending events like Digi-Talk: The Forum, our members can not only learn from different digital experts, but also add the experience to their CPD record.”

    Donna Barton, Digital Marketing Executive of Hastings Hotels said: “The Digi-Talk: The Forum event has gone from strength to strength. The fact that attendees can log their experiences with the Chartered Institute of Marketing’s CPD Programme underlines the positive impact the forum is having on the development of marketing professionals across Northern Ireland. We have been working hard over the last number of years to establish it as a helpful, shared learning event to help local businesses develop their digital marketing skills.

    We have a fantastic line-up of digital experts and each month we cover a different topic. The next Forum on Wednesday 22 May will see Debbie Rymer from East Coast Marketing Academy talk about Digital Strategy, and in the coming months we will help companies understand why they aren’t getting customers from social media and ways they can combat this, tips on working with bloggers and influencers to grow your business and engaging with your audience.”

    To join the 2019 Digi-Talk: The Forum or for further information go to www.hastingshotels.com/digitalk, call Donna Barton on 028 9067 6025 or email digital@hastingshotels.com


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    For media enquiries

    For further information, please contact Fiona Brown of Fiona Brown Communications on 07887 864641 / fiona@fionabrowncommunications.com


    For CIM enquiries

    James Delves
    CIM Head of PR and External Engagement


    Corinne Lavictoire  
    PR Executive


    About CIM

    The Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM) is the world’s leading marketing body, with over 30,000 members worldwide, of which there are over 3,000 Chartered Marketers. CIM’s mission is create marketing advantage for the benefit of professionals, business and society with a focus on export, data and skills. It believes marketing is the critical factor in driving long term organisational performance.

    CIM provides members and organisations with five key benefits: 

    • Partnership – CIM is a professional and organisational partner to support performance and career development
    • Education – CIM allows individuals and businesses to continuously upskill
    • Information – CIM keeps members up to date with the latest marketing thinking, and keeps organisations at the forefront of practices
    • Connection – CIM provides access to services, expertise and peers
    • Recognition – CIM is the global benchmark of professional competence

    For more than 100 years, CIM has supported, represented and developed marketers, teams, leaders and the profession as a whole. There are 130 CIM study centres in 36 countries and exam centres in 132 countries worldwide. In the last year, over 7,500 people registered at over 230 UK CIM events. Find out more about CIM by visiting www.cim.co.uk


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