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  • Release: CIM Welcomes The Prince of Wales as Patron


    Chartered Institute of Marketing Welcomes The Prince of Wales as Patron

    The Prince of Wales has agreed to become the new Patron of the Chartered Institute of Marketing.

    His Royal Highness will take over from The Duke of Edinburgh, who has served as the Institute’s Patron since 1952. CIM’s first Royal Patron was King George VI, appointed in 1937.

    Chris Daly, Chief Executive of the Chartered Institute of Marketing said: “We are absolutely delighted that The Prince of Wales has accepted our invitation to be our Patron. There could be no greater accolade for our profession. We look forward to working closely with him to support our members and promote the value our profession gives to both business and the wider society.” 

    Thanking The Duke of Edinburgh for his time as CIM’s Patron, Leigh Hopwood, Chair of the Chartered Institute of Marketing said: “It has been a great honour to have The Duke of Edinburgh as our Patron. Holding the role for more than six decades he has seen our industry and our organisation through a remarkable period of change. We want to thank him for all his support over the past 67 years.”

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    For media enquiries

    For further information please contact the Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM) press office:

    James Delves

    CIM Head of PR and External Engagement


    Or CIM’s press office at Good Relations on CIMTeam@goodrelations.co.uk


    About CIM

    The Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM) is the world’s leading professional body for marketing. CIM’s mission is to create marketing advantage for the benefit of professionals, business and society with a focus on export, data and skills. It believes marketing is the critical factor in driving long term organisational performance.

    CIM provides members and organisations with five key benefits: 

    • Partnership – CIM is a professional and organisational partner to support performance and career development
    • Education – CIM allows individuals and businesses to continuously upskill
    • Information – CIM keeps members up to date with the latest marketing thinking, and keeps organisations at the forefront of practices
    • Connection – CIM provides access to services, expertise and peers
    • Recognition – CIM is the global benchmark of professional competence

    For more than 100 years, CIM has supported, represented and developed marketers, teams, and leaders across the profession. There are 130 CIM study centres in 36 countries and exam centres in 132 countries worldwide. In the last year, over 7,500 people registered at over 230 CIM events.

    Find out more about CIM by visiting www.cim.co.uk.

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