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Should you consider a move to Australia to progress your career in marketing?
The UK and Australia have always had a close bond. Historically, we have seen a migration of professionals moving from the UK to Australia to progress their careers and vice versa. Marketers have for a long time been part of this trend. In the post COVID-19 environment, Australia has seen an uplift in demand for marketing professionals moving from the UK to settle in Australia to find new opportunities and to seek a better work-life balance.
Now more than ever, the job market in Australia is extremely attractive to UK marketers, particularly those with strong analytical skills or proven digital expertise. COVID-19 has triggered demand for digital marketing skills across Australia as organisations looked to improve digital platforms and the customer experience – triggering widespread opportunities for marketing and digital professionals.
Australia managed the pandemic very well in terms of low case numbers and as such their economy has bounced back rapidly, moving out of recession and into growth as early as late 2020. This has triggered a demand for all types of marketing, communications and digital skills sets.
Currently CRM, loyalty management, content, creative and digital marketing expertise are topping the list of skills in demand for C-suite leaders in Australia, with a particular focus on roles that involve data management and reporting.
Benefits of moving:
Moving to Australia to work offers many advantages, including an enviable work-life balance and quality of life. But relocating also offers many challenges, from finding somewhere to live to opening a bank account. For most people, the biggest challenge of all is finding a job in Australia.
Areas of demand for marketers:
Hays Globalink is a specialist recruitment team based in London, operating within the wider Hays specialist recruitment business in the UK. Our team support skilled professionals relocating to Australia. Over the last 15 years we’ve worked with thousands of professionals to find them permanent or temporary jobs in Australia.
Hays Globalink can provide marketers with access to jobs in Australia if you are:
Their team of recruiters have all lived and worked in Australia. The team’s experience allows them to offer marketers real-life, practical career advice to help ensure your relocation is successful and you advance your career in Australia. Click here for more information.
To reflect the increasing demand for marketing skills, the Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM) and the Australian Marketing Institute (AMI) announced a partnership to support marketers living in the UK or Australia. The partnership will allow members of CIM and the AMI to take advantage of a joint membership at a preferential rate, allowing for best practice, training and resources to be shared. It will also ensure that marketers moving to Australia receive the same level of support and community, which they would do being a CIM member in the UK, making the process as enjoyable as possible. Click here to find out more.
An overview of CIM our history and services.
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