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International coverage round up: CIM and CIM Sri Lanka launch postgraduate qualification
New CIM Postgraduate qualification addresses skills gap in international marketing
The Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM) recently launched a Postgraduate Diploma in Professional Marketing, a new qualification for marketers based outside the UK. The course was launched simultaneously across 15 countries equipping marketing leaders with the skills to open up and develop new markets for their products and services.
Recent CIM research, conducted in partnership with PwC, revealed that 70% of exporting British businesses expect Brexit to boost overseas sales, identifying the greatest growth prospects in markets outside of Europe, such as China, the United Arab Emirates, India and Hong Kong. Therefore, UK businesses with an international presence, as well as marketers in local businesses across the globe, need to ensure that their skills are up to date to realise the opportunity that Brexit affords international trade.
Research from CIM that provided a basis for the new qualification and surveyed study centres in the regions, shows that students in international markets benefit from the knowledge and skills gained at postgraduate level. The new CIM qualification equips marketers with the capabilities to maximise the opportunities for growth in new territories.
CIM received positive media coverage for the launch, please see below links to articles for more insight on the topic and examples of media coverage CIM received in one of its key regions of Sri Lanka:
Examples of online articles can be found here:
About the CIM Postgraduate Diploma in Professional Marketing:
The qualification can be taken by experienced practicing marketers and senior business people within the following countries or online from any location.
An overview of CIM our history and services.
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