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CPD is a great way to manage your professional development, demonstrating your commitment to current and future employers by keeping up to date and learning new skills.
CPD is about improving skills and knowledge, ensuring you remain current and effective as a marketing professional. It’s relevant throughout your career – whether you are new to marketing or an experienced professional wishing to keep abreast of the latest trends and techniques.
Our Chartered CPD Programme is open to all members and provides a focused and logical way for you to keep learning as your career progresses. It benchmarks your skills against our Global Professional Marketing Framework, enables you to identify any gaps in your knowledge through the skills analysis tool and directs you to a range of activities to help you overcome them.
Simply record all the learning and development activities that you undertake over the membership year; whether completed with us, through other organisations, or even activities you’ve done on your own. Once you've completed your CPD year you'll receive a digital CPD certificate as proof of your commitment to ongoing development. It proves to current and potential employers that you are serious about maintaining your knowledge and skills in marketing. Your CPD journey can lead to achieving Chartered Marketer status – the mark of an up-to-date, experienced and qualified marketing professional.
Affiliate and Associate members need to accrue 35 credits across their CPD year. Here are a few examples of different CPD activities and how many credits you can gain from them:
Self-directed learning – credits capped at 25% (8.75 credits)
Practice-based learning – credits capped at 50% (17.5 credits)
Professional activity – credits capped at 50% (17.5 credits)
Formal learning – no credits cap (35 credits)
Self-directed learning – credits capped at 25% (8.75 credits)
Practice-based learning – credits capped at 50% (17.5 credits)
Professional activity – credits capped at 50% (17.5 credits)
Formal learning – no credits cap (35 credits)
When you are a Member or a Fellow you will need to complete four reflective statements. Each statement should reflect on your learning outcomes from an activity and focus on how you will use this new knowledge going forward.
You can opt in at any point from the time you become a member and continue for as long as your membership remains current.
If you wish to sign up for the Chartered CPD Programme after registering for your membership, visit MyCIM and select ‘CPD’ on the Home page, or you can call +44 (0)1628 427120 or email
As an Affiliate or Associate, you’re required to complete at least 35 credits of CPD activity annually. You are probably doing many of these activities already, with everything from work-placed development and qualifications to attending exhibitions and conferences - they're all eligible for inclusion in your CPD record.
Visit MyCIM and on the Home page click the CPD tile to access the CPD portal.
As a Member or a Fellow, including Chartered Marketers, you are required to provide at least four reflective statements regarding your CPD activities. These must cover learning against any areas of the Global Professional Marketing Framework.
Visit MyCIM and on the Home page click the CPD tile to access the CPD portal.
For questions about CPD
Call +44 (0)1628 427120