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This weekend from 18:00 Friday 14 March until 11:00 Monday 17 March we will be updating our finance system. You will be unable to join, renew or book exams online during this period. Please contact if you have any queries, the team will be happy to assist.
12:30 PM - Glasgow
This event is fully bookedFollowing the success of last years conference, this years Scotland Marketing Conference moves to the new state-of-the-art City Campus at City of Glasgow College.
This year’s theme is 'marketing essentials’ looking at what marketers need to know to be successful in their careers, whether you are making the first steps or are a seasoned marketing professional.
Martin Jordan, Director of Innovation at Equator Digital, Scotland’s largest digital marketing agency, is this year’s keynote speaker. In addition, Joe Pacitti, Chair of CIM Scotland will be chairing a panel of experts from a range of backgrounds.
Furthermore, this year’s conference provides a great opportunity for marketers to network with peers and experts, and to browse and discuss opportunities with our range of exhibitors.
12:15: Registration & networking/refreshments – Corporate exhibition area/Mezzanine.
13.00: Welcome & Introduction- Paul Little, Principal & Chief Executive, CoGC
13.10: Keynote address: Why is Innovation essential to your marketing career and business success? - Martin Jordan, Director of Innovation, Equator Digital.
13:45: Alan Meldrum Percepta : Customer Service Loyalty & Digital:Working together for marketing success
14:15 Expert Panel discussion Chaired by Joe Pacitti; Roy Gardner, Martin Jordan, Alan Meldrum
14:40: Break for Coffee - Corporate Exhibition area
15.00: Joe Pacitti - Chair CIM Scotland, Managing Director of CeeD, Marketing careers-future proofing
15.10: CoGC Student Work Experience Excellence, Dave Scott, Campaign Director, Nil By Mouth.
15:30: Marketing Careers what you need to know – Ewan Anderson, Eden Scott Recruitment
15:50:Brian McEwan, Bridges2Business Change in culture and attitudes towards Enterprise in education –making marketing relevant to business
16:10: Marketing careers –future proofing panel discussion led by Joe Pacitti: Dave Scott; Ewan Anderson; Brian McEwan; Roy Gardiner Peter Siviter BMC Global
16:30: Closing remarks, Chair Joe Pacitti & networking
CPD category: General business skills
Duration: 3 hours
Registration and networking is from 12:30; the event starts at 13:00 and finishes at 16:30. If you are a non-EU resident, please contact the Regional Events team to make your booking.
Sector: Non-specific
Region: Scotland
Map link: click here
Speakers: Various Speakers
The prices are inclusive of VAT with sandwich lunch and refreshments provided. If you have any special requirements please contact the Regional Events team.
Please book online for this event. If you cannot do so, please call the Regional Events team on +44 (0)1628 427340.