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This weekend from 18:00 Friday 14 March until 11:00 Monday 17 March we will be updating our finance system. You will be unable to join, renew or book exams online during this period. Please contact if you have any queries, the team will be happy to assist.
8:00 AM - Sunderland
A chance for senior marketers to debate important issues facing them and their teams in modern times in a roundtable discussion over breakfast hosted by the University of Sunderland.
Chaired by Lawrence Bellamy, the new Dean of the Faculty of Business, Law and Tourism at the University of Sunderland, the topic of discussion will be the changing role of marketing in higher education.
Please note this event is by invitation only, however you are welcome to register your interest in this event by email and we’ll be in touch to advise if a place is available.
CPD duration: 1.5 hours
Category: General business skills
Registration and networking is from 08:00, the session starts at 08:30 and finishes at 10:00
Sector: Non-specific
Region: North
Map link: click here
Speakers: Tom Willoughby