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This weekend from 18:00 Friday 14 March until 11:00 Monday 17 March we will be updating our finance system. You will be unable to join, renew or book exams online during this period. Please contact if you have any queries, the team will be happy to assist.
5:30 PM - Manchester
Jason Spencer, Business Development Director, and Michelle Monks, Partnership Manager, will take us through the reasons behind ITV's continued success and why they chose a career in TV advertising at ITV, home of the iconic Coronation Street and I'm a celebrity Get me Out of Here.
ITV is an integrated producer broadcaster - operating the largest
commercial family of channels in the UK, producing content for both
their own channels and third parties in the UK and increasingly
This includes:
The power of popularity - how TV has developed over the last decade; audience engagement; live versus recorded; and the profit potential of TV.
Working in ITV advertising – what to expect, relationships with agencies and skills required.
Jason has been Business Development Director at ITV for the past five years driving growth and innovation. ITV Commercial has evolved outside London across its nine regional commercial teams through working in partnership with marketers and agencies to help brands thrive. Prior to ITV, Jason spent most of his career at media agencies – from planning roles at Carat and PHD in London to running PHD North in Manchester.
Michelle has worked at ITV since graduating in 2010 and is now Partnership Manager, focusing on revenue outside of traditional spot advertising and how ITV can better connect to brands. Michelle will be able to provide valuable insights into working in TV advertising as your first job and some tips on how to develop your career.
CPD category: General business skills
Duration: 2 hours
Registration is from 17:30; the event starts at 18:00 and finishes at 20:00. If you are non-EU resident, please call the Network Support team to make your booking.
Sector: Non-specific
Region: North
Map link: click here
Delegate instructions
Delegate parking
Speakers: Jason Spencer and Michelle Monks
This event is free for members, studying members and students. Prices for non-members include VAT with drinks and nibbles provided. To make your booking, or to notify us of any special dietary requirements, please contact the Network Support team.
Please book online for this event. If you cannot do so, please call the Network Support team on +44 (0)1628 427340.