Member Exclusive: Neuromarketing and the science of desire Exchange_Lock

Member Exclusive: Neuromarketing and the science of desire

David Ogilvy famously said “Consumers don’t think how they feel, they don’t say what they think, and they don’t do what they say.” This gives us a challenge within marketing – how are we then supposed to understand, and be able to provide consumers with, what they genuinely want and need?

The issue arises, not because our consumers are malicious and trying to deceive us, nor because they are intentionally trying to skew our research efforts. No, the issue arises because they themselves, do not know what they want. We have discovered that 95% of what goes into each decision that we make, is subconscious information. That means it is below our conscious threshold. So, by definition, we cannot be aware of it in ourselves.

Yet, neuroscience can measure it.

Welcome to the world of neuromarketing – where neuroscience insights, are applied to enable us to become better marketers.

In this session we will focus specifically on what neuromarketers have learned about desire. What processes drive it within the brain? Once someone feels desire, what motivates them to act upon it? And, critically, how can we create marketing materials and content which support these processes?

Using research findings and real world applications, you will uncover some of the most up-to-date discoveries which have been made in this emerging field. You will also be given some practical aspects that you can take away and apply for yourself, to see the effects they may have upon your audiences.

So, log in below and register for this webinar straight away…you know you want to!

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Katie Hart CIM course director CIM
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