Eight steps to generate board buy-in

- 08 December 2023
Sandrine Desbarbieux-Lloyd, ex-director UK Group (Commercial & Marketing) at Meta outlines her strategy when it comes to approaching the board for budget and buy-in to the added value that marketing can bring.
Let me ask you a question. Why is it that marketers are so good at marketing to customers, and yet could do much better at marketing themselves to their own business? Time and again we hear marketers say that they unfortunately, they cannot get their voices heard at board level, that their budget requests are turned down and that their long-term plans are overtaken by short-term priorities. If only marketers delved into their own, well-equipped toolboxes, it could all be so different.
Marketing to the board
First of all, think about the board as your customers. Then market to them in the same way as you would market to your customers. How do you do that? Start out by researching your market – who are they, what are they interested in, what are their objectives and challenges? Once you’ve got all your information, think about how you can help them, serve them and create a real relationship just as you would do with customers using CRM.
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