• CoBrowse

    This weekend from 18:00 Friday 14 March until 11:00 Monday 17 March we will be updating our finance system. You will be unable to join, renew or book exams online during this period. Please contact membership@cim.co.uk if you have any queries, the team will be happy to assist.

    The Chartered Institute of Marketing is committed to ensuring our services are accessible to everyone. In particular, we recognise the need to take reasonable steps to enable access to our website for those with impaired sight or other disabilities.

    Work on making this site more accessible has been influenced by the Guidelines for UK Government Websites, which incorporate support for the Accessibility Initiative (WAI).

    All pages use Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) for presentation.

    We have used the following browsers during testing:

    • Microsoft IE9
    • Microsoft IE10
    • Firefox
    • Google Chrome

    JavaScript: To enhance user experience, this site utilises JavaScript (DOM Scripting). If you have disabled JavaScript, or your browser software does not fully support it, certain elements of site will become inoperable.

    Images: All content images used in this site include descriptive ALT tags.

    Change your font size on your browser

    In Internet Explorer 9

    You can increase and decrease the size of the web page by pressing CTRL - (decrease), or CRTL + (increase).
    Or by clicking the Tool option (Alt X) and selecting the zoom option on the menu.

    In FireFox

    You can increase and decrease wthe size of the web page by pressing CTRL - (decrease), or CRTL + (increase).
    Or by clicking View (Alt V) on the menu bar and selecting the zoom option on the menu.

    You can also increase just the size of the text by clicking View (Alt V) on the menu bar, selecting zoom and the option 'Zoom text only'.

    Change colours on your browser

    In Internet Explorer 9

    Click the Tool option (Alt X) on the menu then select 'internet options'. On the first tab, select the 'accessibility' button at the bottom of the dialog box. You can then control formatting of colours, font styles and font sizes by checking and unchecking the box and pressing 'ok'.

    In FireFox

    Select the Tool option (Alt T) in the menu and select 'options'. Click the 3rd tab named 'content'. Here you can control default fonts and colours of the web page by using the 'Fonts & Colours' selection mid way down the screen.