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This weekend from 18:00 Friday 14 March until 11:00 Monday 17 March we will be updating our finance system. You will be unable to join, renew or book exams online during this period. Please contact if you have any queries, the team will be happy to assist.
Being at the heart of marketing, we are uniquely placed to present you with marketing titles as they are published. To view our catalogue, visit the Bookshop.
Our quarterly magazine, Catalyst, brings you the latest thinking, stimulating articles and interviews from leading global experts and guest writers. Access the Catalyst.
In our Chartered Marketer Directory we list all those who have earned the right to use the designation of Chartered Marketer. Search for Chartered Marketers here.
Any queries with regards to the use of any of CIM's assets including logos, crest or photographs, please email our Creative Team.
These are the general regulations for the provision of professional standards, ethics and disciplinary procedures. Find out more.
Our content hub is filled with insight and inspiration from industry experts across the globe. Explore more.
Your queries answered on topics including Chartered Marketer; membership; payments; CIM Qualifications; and CIM's website. Find out more.
Are you thinking of taking up Marketing as a career? Find out all you need to know.
Learn about our Royal Charter, Board of Trustees, the Constitution, our committees and more. Find out more.
Are you still studying or just graduated? If you are thinking of taking a CIM qualification, find out what exemptions you can get. Learn more.
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The legal fact files make sure you understand the laws and regulations that impact you and your marketing team. Find out more.
Expert legal advice on business, employment and personal issues provided by the UK’s leading legal advice specialists. Log in to MyCIM to find out more.
Our exclusive online marketing resources will equip you with practical marketing guides and templates to support you in your marketing role. Access here.
Members get free online access to an extensive range of material via our knowledge hub. Visit our knowledge services to find out more.
The Chartered Institute of Marketing Members’ Benevolent Fund (CIMMBF) offers support and advice to CIM members (past and present) and their dependants when misfortune befalls them. Learn more.
If you would like progress in your career or share your experiences with others, then join our mentoring programme. Find out more as a mentor or mentee.
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An extensive events programme to help you share information and connect at every level in the marketing community.
Benchmark your marketing skills with the industry or identify your skills gap through our Professional Marketing Competencies.
Policy covers Professional indemnity and Third Party Cyber Liability Insurance with the additional extra of Public and Employers liability. Log in to MyCIM to find out more.
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If you are thinking of upgrading your membership status, please check the criteria on MyCIM.